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Yeshiva Road Named in Memory of “Plugat Alon” Soldiers

Posted by on Jun 10, 2013 in Uncategorized | Comments Off

Yeshiva Road Named in Memory of “Plugat Alon” Soldiers

The families of the soldiers who died defending Eretz Israel waited more than 30 years for their loved ones to be memorialized in a dignified way.  In a ceremony attended by staff and students of our Yeshiva, military dignitaries, rabbis and the mayor of Kiryat Shemona, the road alongside the Bet Midrash was dedicated in memory of the Alon Company.

Five soldiers from Yeshivat Kiryat Shemona belonging to “Plugat Alon” (Tank Corps) were killed in a heroic battle during the 1982 War in Lebanon, known as Milchemet Shlom Hagalil.  In light of the tragedy, it was decided that soldiers from the same Yeshiva would no longer serve together in the same company, to prevent a similar disaster from happening again.

Brig. Gen. (Res) Avigdor Kahalani, Commander of the tank corps at the time, was among the dignitaries at the ceremony and recalled how he attended the dedication of the Yeshiva itself 36 years ago, praising the work and dedication of Rabbi Tzfaniah Drori and Rabbi Yisrael Kirshtein, the Rashei Yeshiva, who, in spite of the terrible loss and the critical effect it had on the Yeshiva at the time, have managed to build a thriving and ever-growing community of hundreds of Hesder students, whose influence is felt in every facet of Israeli society.


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